New Gokula is a place to relax and rejuvenate, spend time with Krishna's cows and devotees, nourish spiritual practices and grow in a holistic community of like-minded souls.
New Gokula is the home of Sri Sri Radha Gokulanada. Traditional worship services (aratis) are held every day throughout the year and are open to the public.
We are committed to creating awareness around the importance of cows and bulls to society. Our herd are lovingly cared for, creating a symbiotic relationship between humans and these beautiful animals. To find out about sponsorship options, click here.
Our small team of dedicated volunteers and full-time practitioners of Bhakti (Krishna Consciousness) are here to provide opportunities to get involved in farm activities.
We have a guesthouse for visitors to stay on the farm any time of the year subject to availability. Book online today.

Newsletters will be available in due course.
To help you find your way around the farm, download our illustrated map of the property here.​
Your generosity and support of New Gokula keeps our community running. To make a donation, please click here.
Learn more about the ISKCON International Hare Krishna Society which New Gokula is a part of.
Cows and bulls are revered and protected in traditional Vedic society. Get involved today.